February 13, 2010

a nut's guide to las vegas: things to see


  • Zumanity (New York, New York)
    As "the sensual side of Cirque du Soleil," Zumanity is part fetish, part sex, and part comedy. We were surprised that we actually spent more time laughing than anything else! Tip: spring for the expensive seats--the audience interaction is F-U-N!

  • Bite (The Stratosphere)
    We saw Bite the last time we went to Las Vegas, and I do have to admit, it's not the same the second time around. But if it's your first visit, you can do a lot worse than classic rock and half naked vampires!

  • Jersey Boys (The Palazzo)
    A-effing-mazing is the only way to describe this show! We sat in the 24th row, and they were still excellent seats. The entire show really does make you want to stand up and dance. Plus, learning the stories behind the songs is quite entertaining.

  • Club ROK (New York, New York)
    We got put on the VIP list for club ROK, and it was a blast! I got free champagne for most of the night (ugh--hangover city the next day), and the DJ kicked ass. If you're looking for a good club in Las Vegas, ROK is a great place to visit.

  • The CSI Experience (MGM Grand)
    If you're a huge CSI nerd like we are fan of the show (or the series), test your armature sleuthing skills and play pretend that you're on the clock in Las Vegas! You get to play around in the faux-labs, take in an autopsy (all digital, so don't worry about blood and guts), and you can even have your CSI "diploma" printed out.

  • The Titanic Exhibit (The Luxor)
    I wish I could explain how moving this exhibit is. But I'd also have to admit that it's rather chilling as well. A bit like seeing a holocaust museum--no mater how some one's story begins, you know that it almost certainly ended badly. The exhibit features its own iceberg for you to touch so you can get an idea of what so many suffered through that night. They've even rescued a large piece of the hull and displayed it. Don't tell, but I snuck a photo to share with you all. I know it's difficult to see, but notice the portholes--some still retain shards of the original glass from when they broke.

    The exhibit will be in Las Vegas for about 10 years, so if you can't make it right away, you have some time. I really recommend going. These are pieces that you'll never see anywhere else.

  • The Grand Spa (MGM Grand)
    Escape into the lap of luxury at the MGM's spa. We spent about 4 hours here and could have spent many more! I did their classic spa package, while Jason did their gentleman's package. You get the use of the facilities for the entire day which includes a sauna, steam room, and Jacuzzi (clothing optional). Do yourself a favor and don't make plans for after the spa. You'll only want to relax the whole rest of the day!

    Now it's back to reality (happily). I'm anxious to get back to work on our living room (and breath clean smoke-free air). I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend, while we try and recoup!
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