November 13, 2008

news worthy

Well ladies--we have finally become the economic indicator! This morning I could hear Jason howling with laughter from the computer room as he read this:

Economic Indicator
The Lipstick Economy by Claudine Zap
November 12, 2008 12:15:19 PM

In this economy that's in the red, there may be one bright spot that comes in shades of pink, brown, and taupe: the lipstick index.
It's a financial indicator that's as true as that colorfast shade that stays on you, and doesn't get on your man. In bad times, lipstick sales soar while other sales sour. The term "Leading Lipstick Indicator
" was coined by Leonard Lauder, chairman of makeup company Estée Lauder
, after he noticed the trend during tough economic times. And what is indicated right now? All lips are pointing upwards.
After all, women don't need to think twice about plunking down eight bucks for a drugstore lipstick while passing on
$800 Jimmy Choos
History can be our guide here. As a Harvard professor explains
: "The decade of the Great Depression, cosmetic sales increased 25 percent." After the downturn following Sept. 11, lipstick sales doubled.
Looks like we're on track for a similar lip-color craze with this latest economic funk. The
New York Times notes that in the last few months, lipstick sales have shot up 40%, and even put out a list of favorites ranging in price from the budget-conscious $1.99 to the more pricey but still affordable $55. Preferred colors for this new economy? Red is out. Neutrals are in
. (<----Pfft!) Maybe you can't put lipstick on a pig. But you sure can stock up on the stuff during rough financial times.

Since I am a firm believer in the fact that a new cosmetic can turn any bad day upside down (or put the cherry on top of any good day), my husband came tearing into the room and between giggles and snorts said, "Stop buying so much lipstick! You're scaring the economists!" Oops.

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