September 12, 2010

Amber? Amber? Amber?

You have to say that like "Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?" or it just doesn't work! ;) I know, I've been absent! Mom and I had a terrific Labor Day weekend--we got so much accomplished and spent way too much money. Our shopping trips included IKEA, Pottery Barn, and World Market. I picked up some great items and am currently busting my butt trying to whip this house into "oh-my-god-my-husband-is-coming-home-in-less-than-40-days!" shape (oh my god, my husband is coming home in less than 40 days!!!). I had to work yesterday, but I'm having Monday off because of it. I'm hoping I'll be able to accomplish a lot between now and then. Currently being worked on in my sweat shop garage is:

- shelves for the bedroom walls (from IKEA)
- brackets for said shelves (also from IKEA)
- pottery (from World Market)

And you know, what? Because I'm in desperate need of one, let's make this a Honey-Do Sunday!

- Re-hang curtains in bedroom
- Finish & hang shelves and brackets
- Home Depot for primer & black paint
- Finish painting pottery
- Tidy living room
- Purchase printer ink
- Make fall sign for cubby
- Print pictures for frames
- Put away dishes
- Clean off & set dinning room table
- Return fan (my etsy fan didn't work when it got here. majorly disappointed.)

Now we'll see how far I get before returning to work on Tuesday!

Oh, and just to give you all something to giggle at, here's how my hair appointment went (sorry for the first two blurry Blackberry pics):

Roseanne Rosannadanna anyone? My hair is NOT like this normally. I had it all twisted up and it dried, causing it go all wild kingdom on me.

Eek! It's like something from a bad 80's music video!

Ah, dark and soft curls. Oh-so-much better.

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~ Author Unknown

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