August 22, 2009

time to make a change

Since "giving up" my vintage wardrobe, I've noticed that other things have fallen by the wayside as well. It's not unlike me to spend all day in my pajamas, hair undone, make-up un-put on. Jason and I tend to snack all day rather than actually making real meals. Our dishes will go several days before I make myself do them (or ask him to--shame shame!). Overall, I feel that when I gave up the hard work and pressures of making sure everything in my attire was vintage, I gave up the whole rest of the lot. The duties, the mind set, the general philosophies that go into being a good housewife.

This all came to my attention was when reading Jitterbug's post "Eating Out." In it, she talks about packing lunches, including the lunch-box staple of a thermos. Her book describes keeping seasonal things in it like hot chocolate and stews for the winter, and lemonade or even milkshakes in it for the summer (<---wouldn't that be a treat? A nice frosty milkshake for lunch?) Anyway, once we make this big move it's very likely Jason will start brown bagging his lunch as he may face a minimum of a 20-minute commute to and from work (we've been horribly spoiled by the four-minute distance he's currently traveling). Looking at 40-minutes without any traffic, that's a lot of gas every week just to have lunch at home. And in my current behavioral state, I doubt that I'd be packing him very good lunches.

Other little things have been neglected as well (ahem!--housekeeping), but it's just made me realize how far I've fallen from my Circa 1952 days. So, I'm making a new resolution to myself: just because I don't dress in the vintage fashion anymore, doesn't mean I should let the principles suffer. I will get back on this bandwagon. I will start reading all those books I bought. I will start acting more like a good little housewife again!

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~ Author Unknown

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